Raggiunto un traguardo dell'Open Web Platform con la Recommendation di HTML5

La Nuova Generazione di Tecnologie Web Cresce su Solide Basi

28 Ottobre 2014 — Il World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) ha pubblicato una Recommendation di HTML5, la quinta versione del formato utilizzato per realizzare pagine e applicazioni Web, e base per l'Open Web Platform. Per gli sviluppatori di applicazioni e per il mercato HTML5 significa un insieme di funzionalità su cui ci si potrà basare per i prossimi anni. HTML5 è ora supportato su una larga varietà di dispositivi, riducendo il costo di creazione di applicazioni evolute che possono essere utilizzate dagli utenti ovunque.

"Oggi noi consideriamo naturale avere video e audio nativi nei browser, e utilizzare un browser in un telefono," ha dichiarato Tim Berners-Lee, Direttore W3C. "Ci aspettiamo di poter condividere foto, fare acquisti, leggere le news, e cercare informazioni ovunque, su ogni dispositivo. Anche se rimangono invisibili a molti utenti, HTML5 e l'Open Web Platform stanno indirizzando queste esigenze emergenti degli utenti."

HTML5 introduce il supporto nel Web di video e audio senza necessità di plugin; l'accesso programmatico a schermi che dipendono dalla dimensione del dispositivo, il che è utile per la visualizzazione di immagini, per la grafica dei giochi, o per altre applicazioni grafiche; il supporto nativo di grafica vettoriale (SVG) e di formule matematiche (MathML); notazioni importanti per la scrittura dei paesi dell'Asia dell'Est (Ruby); funzionalità che permettono di rendere accessibili le applicazioni evolute; e molto altro ancora.

HTML5 è Largamente Utilizzato

HTML5 è utilizzato da anni. Secondo il 2014 Vision Mobile Survey, il 42% di 10.000 sviluppatori intervistati sta utilizzando la combinazione di HTML, CSS, e JavaScript per tutto o parte delle loro applicazioni mobili. Gartner ha identificato HTML5 come una delle loro 10 tecnologie e soluzioni mobili più importanti per il 2015 e il 2016, sostenendo che HTML5 "sarà una tecnologia essenziale per chi realizza applicazioni su piattaforme mobili."

Per consentire di realizzare la promessa di "scrivere una volta, distribuire ovunque" di HTML5 e dell'Open Web platform, durante i 22 mesi da quando W3C ha annunciato il completamento della definizione di HTML5, la comunità W3C ha continuato ad arricchire l'HTML5 test suite, che include oltre 100.000 test e continua a crescere. L'iniziativa Test the Web Forward gioca ora un ruolo importante e crescente per la realizzazione dell'interoperabilità dell'Open Web Platform.

Oggi, con la pubblicazione della Recommendation, chi implementa software può beneficiare di un impegno di licenze Royalty-Free da parte di oltre sessanta aziende secondo la Patent Policy del W3C. Consentendo agli implementatori di utilizzare la tecnologia Web senza pagare royalties è fondamentale per rendere il Web una piattaforma dove fare innovazione.

Prossimi passi: Fondamenta per l'applicazione da parte degli sviluppatori, Nuovi casi d'uso per il Web

Anche se HTML5 è ampiamente utilizzato e popolare tra gli sviluppatori, abbiamo ancora molto da fare per raggiungere una delle promesse della Open Web Platform: abbassare il costo di sviluppo delle applicazioni multipiattaforma potenti. In un post sul blog di ottobre, il CEO W3C Jeff Jaffe afferma che "ora che HTML5 è fatto, il W3C dovrebbe fare di più per rafforzare le parti della Open Web Platform di cui gli sviluppatori hanno bisogno più urgentemente per il successo. "Per aiutare a comunicare e guidare l'accordo su tali priorità, Jaffe enumera "Le fondamenta per l'applicazione" da rafforzate per realizzare la piattaforma della prossima generazione:

W3C discuterà questo nuovo quadro ed il suo impatto sull'agenda W3C nel corso del meeting annuale dei Membri (TPAC) che ci sarà questa settimana.

Fondamenta più forti renderanno anche più facile incorporare le nuove funzionalità per il Web che vengono proposte ogni giorno, dentro e fuori il W3C. W3C sta ampliando il suo lavoro per comprendere casi d'uso delle aziende che operano nell'ambito dei pagamenti online, nell'industria automobilistica, nell'editoria digitale, nelle telecomunicazioni e nell'intrattenimento digitale. Allo stesso tempo, 4500 ingegneri stanno scambiando e confrontando nuove idee per il Web in più di 180 Community and Business Groups.


W3C desidera ringraziare per primo Ian Hickson (Google), il principale architetto della specifica HTML5, che ha fornito contributi fondamentali al linguaggio HTML.

W3C ringrazia i co-Chair del Working Group HTML Paul Cotton (Microsoft), Sam Ruby (IBM), e Maciej Stachowiak (Apple) per la loro guida nel portare HTML5 a diventare una Recommendation, e l'intero Working Group HTML per il suo contributo.

W3C ringrazia anche:

A proposito del World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

Il World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) è un consorzio internazionale nel quale le organizzazioni membri, uno staff full-time e il pubblico, lavorano insieme al fine di sviluppare gli standard del Web. Il W3C porta avanti la sua missione principalmente attraverso la creazione degli standard del Web e di linee guida concepite per assicurare una crescita del Web a lungo termine. La Open Web Platform è uno degli obiettivi principali del momento. Più di 375 organizzazioni sonoMembri del Consorzio. Il W3C è gestito congiuntamente dal MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (MIT CSAIL) negli Stati Uniti, dall' European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM) con sede amministrativa in Francia, dalla Keio University in Giappone, e dalla Beihang University in Cina, e ha Uffici in tutto il mondo. Per ulteriori informazioni: http://www.w3.org/

Nel 2014 celebriamo sia il ventesimo anniversario del W3C sia il venticinquesimo anniversario dall'invenzione del Web da parte di Tim Berners-Lee.


Ian Jacobs, <ij@w3.org>, +1.718.260.9447

Testimonianze dei membri W3C


ACCESS is pleased to see this HTML5 Recommendation. We think HTML5 is the only media to connect all services, places, devices and people. HTML5 will provide a unified platform not only for the cloud, PCs and smart phones, but also for TV, cars, wearable and other consumer devices, without any additional plugins. We embed Web technologies into various consumer devices and have started a lot of new services. With this momentum behind HTML5, we can accelerate the penetration of "Web Connected Devices" and the "Web of Things" into the wider consumer market, in which people can enjoy innovative Web technologies on every device. ACCESS is committed to supporting W3C activities continuously and contributing to industry and society by embedding Web technologies into our daily life.

Kunihiro Ishiguro, Chief Technology Officer, ACCESS CO., LTD.


Baidu is delighted that the HTML 5 and Canvas 2D Candidate Recommendations have been released, as they represent a significant milestone for the Open Web Platform. We believe that HTML 5 and Canvas 2D will help Baidu, the world's largest Chinese search engine, to provide even better service to both our users and to the developer community. As a full member of W3C, Baidu is proud of its contributions to this work, and we look forward to continuing to contribute down the road.

Yue Min, AC rep of Baidu


CWI is proud to have been involved with HTML and its related technologies from the start of W3C, and looks forward to helping it continue to be a strong document format on the Web.

Jos Baeten, general director of Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI)


We believe that the coming together of the W3C and Web Community to produce the HTML5 Recommendation will provide a more stable reference for enterprises needing a cost-effective way to integrate their systems of engagement and record across hybrid clouds. HTML5 simplifies development by providing greater interoperability between browsers and ensuring that the web remains globally accessible.

Angel Diaz, Vice President of Open Technology and Cloud Performance, IBM


Intel strongly supports the power of cross-platform development enabled by HTML5 for both application and website development. We know developers are constantly pushing to maximize revenue by publishing apps that work across multiple screen sizes and operating systems, and HTML5 tools allow them do that while reducing development costs and time to market. Intel recognized this need early, and we are investing in standards development at W3C and software such as the Crosswalk project and Intel XDK that help developers take full advantage of HTML5.

Imad Sousou, Vice President and General Manager, Open Source Technology Center, Intel Corporation


Innovimax is delighted to see emerging a new milestone of the foundation for the venerable 25 year old Web, a.k.a HTML5. As the cornerstone of the Web, Digital Publishing and Print, the ubiquitous HTML5 is now, more than ever, a key part of the Open Web Platform.

Mohamed ZERGAOUI, CTO, Innovimax

Innovimax est ravie de voir émerger une nouvelle révision des fondations du vénérable Web, désormais âgé de 25 ans, avec la version 5.0 d'HTML. Cette pierre angulaire du Web, de l'édition numérique et de l'industrie papier, l'ubiquitaire HTML5 est plus que jamais une partie essentielle de l'Open Web Platform.

Mohamed ZERGAOUI, Responsable Stratégie Numérique, Innovimax


As global leader association of Web professional we are really excited about the HTML5 as W3C Rec because this will help our members to have the most stable guideline for the development of innovative and responsive web sites and web applications. We was recently involved in HTML5 tour and we found that there is a lot of interest in a stable version of this specification, especially for members that develop web sites for private and public companies. We will support the specification, with also education and outreach for members, and we hope that will be easily implemented by user agent vendors with full accessibility support for people with disabilities.

Roberto Scano, W3C Advisory Committee Representative, International Webmasters Association (IWA/HWG)


KDDI congratulates W3C on the publication of the HTML5 Recommendation. This publication of a first major new HTML standard in 15 years is an important milestone in the progress of information and communication systems for all people, and another important indicator to us all that mobile technology is now well established as an important part of W3C's One Web vision. It is pleasure for us as a mobile communications service operator that we were able to participate in the innovation that led to the publication of the HTML5 Recommendation. And based on this success, we can now push forward together toward the further evolution of HTML. And we expect that W3C will continue to be the organization that plays the most important role in accelerating that evolution.

Masashi Usami, Executive Director, KDDI CORPORATION


It’s a historic moment -- a world of connected devices will connect to the cloud through the W3C HTML5 open standard. At Microsoft Open Technologies, we’re proud of the collaboration and leadership that came together within the W3C to build an Open Web Platform, encouraging interoperability and opening doors for the next generation of the Web, graphics and games.

Jean Paoli, president of Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc.


The MITRE team is excited about the long-awaited HTML5 standard. Its completion marks a significant advance for the Web, and the timing with W3C's 20th year is perfect. MITRE enthusiastically supports open, vendor-neutral standards and views HTML5 as one of W3C's best efforts. The standard’s richness and flexibility will accelerate generation of applications on an Open Web and will span numerous global user and provider communities.

Bede B. McCall, Principal Engineer, The MITRE Corporation

Mitsue Links

Mitsue-Links is very pleased that W3C published a Recommendation of HTML5. At Mitsue-Links, many web pages and applications has been already developed using HTML5 for years, but this new standard will provide more solid foundation for more interoperable web. We also believe that accessibility related features of HTML5 will help us create web pages and applications which are truly usable by anyone, by any device.

Kazuhito Kidachi, CTO, Mitsue-Links Co.,Ltd.

株式会社ミツエーリンクスは,W3CがHTML5を勧告されたことを大変喜ばしく思 います.ミツエーリンクスでは,多くのウェブページやウェブアプリケーショ ンで既にHTML5を用いて制作してきましたが,この新たな標準はより相互運用 可能なウェブに向け,さらに強固な土台を提供してくれることでしょう.私た ちはまた,HTML5のもつアクセシビリティ関連機能が,誰でもどんなデバイス でも利用できるウェブページやウェブアプリケーションを生み出す手助けとな ることを信じています.



It’s good to see HTML5 reach the Recommendation stage. We were one of the first organizations involved in HTML5 because we believe in continuing to evolve the open Web platform to support innovation and help users. We contributed many widely adopted technologies such as WebGL and helped pioneer technologies like WebRTC. We have also expanded the functionality of the Web on mobile through the use of WebAPIs, bringing Web app developers the power to access phone hardware. Many of these APIs are currently going through the standardization process. We’re now working with the W3C to help lead the work behind the HTML5 test suite, ensuring that tests can be run in an automated way, so that users and developers can benefit from more consistent behavior between browsers.

Andreas Gal, Chief Technology Officer, Mozilla

The Paciello Group

HTML5 is a great leap forward for an accessible web. In HTML5, accessibility is a core design principle. For the first time the semantics of HTML have been mapped, and implementation requirements defined in terms of the way HTML semantics are conveyed to people using assistive technologies. The addition of new interactive controls, native video and captioning, and new structural elements in HTML5, make it easier than ever for developers to create HTML interfaces that are usable by everyone. The inclusion of WAI-ARIA in HTML also provides developers with the tools and information to create accessible custom content and controls that extend the core features of HTML. The Paciello Group (TPG) is both proud and honoured to have contributed to the development of HTML5, but recognises that it is not an end in itself. HTML5 represents a very positive step in the evolution of the language of the web, and TPG welcomes the opportunity to continue contributing to its positive development.

Mike Paciello, Founder The Paciello Group (TPG)


HTML5 represents to us a stable cross-platform technology for interactive applications which we support in our applications. Profium would like to thank those in and outside of W3C who have contributed to the development effort.

Janne Saarela, CEO, Profium


Samsung Electronics is thrilled that HTML5 has reached Recommendation status. Nowadays, various electronics products including PC, Smartphone and SmartTV feature HTML5, which is a key element for the Open Web Platform. With the completion of HTML5, OWP can start a new revolution in platforms and we hope all devices can connect and communicate via HTML5 in the near future. Samsung Electronics supports the W3C's HTML5 Recommendation in our products, and we hope this will become a leap forward for both the Web technology and Samsung.

Sungho Choi, Vice President, Samsung Electronics


This Recommendation is a powerful boost to development of Tencent's next-generation products with a wider adoption of this technology. We have been staying at the innovation edge of HTML5 since its draft stage, and integrate it in a wide range of our products, in particular QQ, Qzone, and WeChat, each is the largest of its kind (IM platform, SNS platform, mobile SNS platform) in China and benefit from it for optimized performance and competitive advantage. We will continue our dedication to this and other W3C technologies, with which we expect to offer greater use experience and products.

Stone Huang, Technical Director of Qzone, Tencent


The finalization of HTML5.0 will further accelerate the adoption and implementation of Web standards in the broadcasting industry. Tomo-Digi would like to thank W3C HTML Working Group members, public contributors, and the W3C team for the effort necessary on this Recommendation.

Shoko Okuma, W3C Advisory Committee Representative, Tomo-Digi Corporation